Waste water treatment
By the increasing legal stipluations many undertakings have to treat their waste water therewith they comply with the requirements before they can discharging to the sewer. A treatment of waste water is often advisable to reduce the waste water taxes. In the moste cases a waste water treatment for undertakings is a necessary procedure which generate costs. The ambition should be to arrange the waste water treatment as simple and economic as possible.
Enclosed we have composed a choice of product groups
for the respective use case:
To build up micro flakes to heavey metal coagulation, phosphat precipitation, drink and pool water treatment.
Flocculants are low till high molecular organic polymers on the basis of polyacrylamide, which are special developed to detach suspensions. Concerning their chemical assembly they differ in non-ionsable, anionic and cationic products. Flocculants will be delivered normaly as powder or emulsion.
Heavey metal coagulant:
Heavey metal flocking agents are deployed to erase heavey metals from waste water. It showed up however, that those products can be used in many other cases, for example to reduce AOX values.
For the corrrect decision of a water treatment product we advise to make a inspection and a capture of the existing technic on site. After accomplishment of sampling and water analysis with debriefing we can develope proposals for the system improvement to advice you the adepted product and instructions for use to your questions.
To setting up the parameters during the initiation and to arrange the continous dosage, we are to your disposal. By constant control of the water quality a permanent improvement of the used products and concentrations is warranted.